Meet "Living Gracefully", a new lifestyle and fashion blog. Follow along my journey navigating life as a college student fashionably.
What does Living Gracefully mean?
Growing up I have always migrated towards all things girly. Pink, bows, makeup, you know it. Taking ballet classes and modeling for 13 years contributed to my love of baby pink and expressing myself through clothing. Another big aspect of my life is prioritizing
my mental health and following my heart. Angels numbers and manifestation have always been important to me. Through Living Gracefully I want to share my experiences as I enter the next chapter in my life but with my personal style, living life my own way.
What will be posted?
Weekly blog posts will be uploaded containing a story relevant to my life at the time. For example, this could include a finding new boutique, coffee shop, analyzing a magazine, song, anything that resinates with me! I will also be creating plenty of fashion based content. This will include styling tips, researching different styles and trends, season guides, and my experiences working in retail. All in all, Living Gracefully will be a safe place to share my status quo and develop my style professionally.
Follow along my journey for fashion tips and tricks, insights into my life, and bringing my aesthetic to life. <3